Customs services
Alien Logistics acts as a customs representative and provides its clients with customs clearance services for commercial shipments arriving on the territory of the Russian Federation by any transport type.
Types of customs procedures and services provided
- Customs transit.
- Import/export.
- Temporary import/export.
- Handling in and out of the customs territory.
- Re-export/re-import.
- Special customs procedure.
- Free customs zone procedure.
- ATA Carnet
- Classification solutions.
- Customs transit.
List of declaration services
- Consulting clients on customs clearance issues.
- Complete preliminary verification of documents.
- Preparing declarations for all types of goods.
- Submitting the Declaration of Goods with the seal of the customs representative.
- Selecting TN VED codes (TN VED - Commodity Nomenclature of Foreign Economic Activity)
- Consulting on the selection of documents to confirm the customs value.
- Calculating customs tariffs and taxes payable to the customs authorities.
- Representing the client's interests with the customs authorities.
- Conducting customs checkups/inspections.
- Consulting clients on customs clearance issues.
Expert preparation of declarations in compliance with customs legislation
Preparation and verification of documents for customs clearance
Wide coverage
Online customs declaration submission and release control
Full range of brokerage services